.net.cd Democratic Republic of the Congo Domain Registration
Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Democratic Republic of the Congo
Prices for .net.cd domains
Period | 1 Year | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 10 Years |
Register | HK$480.00 | HK$960.00 | HK$1440.00 | HK$2400.00 | HK$4800.00 |
Renew | HK$480.00 | HK$960.00 | HK$1440.00 | HK$2400.00 | HK$4800.00 |
Transfer | HK$700.00 | - | - | - | - |
What is a .net.cd domain?
.net.cd is the country code domain for Democratic Republic of Congo, also called DR Congo, DRC, DROC, or Congo-Kinshasa, located in Central Africa. There are some reserved names but generally, any person in the world can register a .net.cd ccTLD. The Congo is considered to be one of the richest countries in the world with regard to natural resources and is the second largest diamond-producing nation in the world. The .net.cd country code domain extension is hugely popular because CD is the abbreviation of compact disc and is widely used for domain hacks. But, remember that the .net.cd domain extension is not considered generic, so it will always target the Congo.
Why register a .net.cd domain?
- .net.cd -Search uses heuristics to provide a fast, interactive service, and searches a comprehensive collection of domain models.
- Search results are displayed as domain architecture cartoons and pairwise alignments between the query and domain-model consensus sequences.
- Search results may be visualized in further detail by embedding the query sequence into multiple alignment displays and by mapping onto three-dimensional molecular graphic displays of known structures within the domain family.
- Its acronym CD can be used creatively by people or companies dedicated to music, because it can be interpreted as Compact Disk. The .net.cd domain is free to be acquired by any person or company.
- Having a .net.cd domain allows a greater reach of the target audience in Africa, users can identify what you offer quickly and generates greater confidence in users browsing websites with the official TLDs of the countries.
.net.cd Registry Information
- TLD Type: ccTLDs
- Country / Region: Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Registry: NETIM
.net.cd Domain Information
TLD Type | ccTLD, Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 0 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 0 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
- .ac Ascension Island Domains
- .ao Angola Domains
- .bf Burkina Faso Domains
- .bi Burundi Domains
- .bj Benin Domains
- .bw Botswana Domains
- .cd Democratic Republic of the Congo Domains
- .cf Central African Republic Domains
- .cg Republic of the Congo Domains
- .ci Cote D'ivoire Domains
- .cm Cameroon Domains
- .cv Cape Verde Domains
- .dj Djibouti Domains
- .dz Algeria Domains
- .eg Egypt Domains
- .eh Western Sahara Domains
- .er Eritrea Domains
- .et Ethiopia Domains
- .ga Gabon Domains
- .gh Ghana Domains
- .gm Gambia Domains
- .gn Guinea Domains
- .gq Equatorial Guinea Domains
- .gw Guinea-Bissau Domains
- .io British Indian Ocean Territory Domains
- .ke Kenya Domains
- .km Comoros Domains
- .lr Liberia Domains
- .ls Lesotho Domains
- .ly Libya Domains
- .ma Morocco Domains
- .mg Madagascar Domains
- .ml Mali Domains
- .mr Mauritania Domains
- .mu Mauritius Domains
- .mw Malawi Domains
- .mz Mozambique Domains
- .na Namibia Domains
- .ne Niger Domains
- .ng Nigeria Domains
- .re Reunion Domains
- .rw Rwanda Domains
- .sc Seychelles Domains
- .sd Sudan Domains
- .sh Saint Helena Domains
- .sl Sierra Leone Domains
- .sn Senegal Domains
- .so Somalia Domains
- .st Sao Tome and Principe Domains
- .sz Swaziland Domains
- .td Chad Domains
- .tg Togo Domains
- .tn Tunisia Domains
- .tz The United Republic of Tanzania Domains
- .ug Uganda Domains
- .yt Mayotte Domains
- .za South Africa Domains
- .zm Zambia Domains
- .zw Zimbabwe Domains