.信息 Domain Name

.信息 is a generic-term TLD, meaning that its use is open for interpretation by the individuals, groups, and businesses that choose to register it. .信息 can be used for information sharing, networking, e-storefronts, community forums, and more. This domain extension is meant to add to the diversity of the internationalized TLD market by providing yet another option for Chinese speaking Internet users, who make up the most populous group on the Web, and are disproportionately underrepresented in TLDs.

.信息 Requirements

There is no specific procedure related to the registration of a domain name.
.信息 domain names are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis.

.信息 Price

Register HK$1050.00/yr
Renew HK$1050.00/yr
Transfer HK$1050.00/yr