.energy Domain Name


Search Domain

Energy is one of the most talked-about subjects in politics, the news, social media, and even field-specific trade publications. The energy industry is ever-expanding as scientists, specialists, and non-profits work together to find more efficient resource solutions. The introduction of .ENERGY creates a recognizable and secure namespace for analysts, scientists, distributors, manufacturers, and all individuals, organizations, and companies involves in the energy sector.

.energy Price

Register HK$780.00/yr
Renew HK$780.00/yr
Transfer HK$780.00/yr

.energy Registry Information

  • TLD Type: New gTLDs
  • Registry: Donuts

.energy Domain Information

Minimum Length 2 characters
Maximum Length 63 characters
Minimum Registration Period 1 year(s)
Maximum Registration Period 10 year(s)
IDN Supported No
WHOIS Privacy Available Yes
DNSSEC Supported No
Realtime Registration Yes
Registration Restrictions None
Proof of Document Required No
Trustee Service Available No