.ge Georgia Domain Name


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What is a .ge domain?

.ge domain represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top level domain (ccTLD) of Georgia.

Why register a .ge domain?

  • .ge domain is also used to abbreviate other words. GE is a popular brand name for electronics and home appliances. Other meanings of GE include: grand exchange (online game) and germanium (Chemistry).
  • Having a .ge domain website can help establish your company’s affiliation with Georgia. Website users will know that your page is especially dedicated to serving Georgian people.
  • .ge domain extension helps in making your business get a trustworthy impression from the digital consumers.
  • Increase sales and revenues by driving high quality leads to your websites. By using a .ge domain, you don’t have to rely 100% on paid ads to drive interested customers to your web page. They will find your page through organic search results.

.ge Price

Register HK$860.00/yr
Renew HK$860.00/yr
Transfer HK$860.00/yr

.ge Registry Information

  • TLD Type: ccTLDs
  • Country / Region: Georgia
  • Registry: Caucasus Online

.ge Domain Information

TLD Type ccTLD, Georgia
Minimum Length 2 characters
Maximum Length 63 characters
Minimum Registration Period 1 year(s)
Maximum Registration Period 10 year(s)
IDN Supported No
WHOIS Privacy Available Yes
DNSSEC Supported No
Realtime Registration Yes
Registration Restrictions None
Proof of Document Required No
Trustee Service Available No