.닷넷 Domain Name


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Over 78 million people in the world speak Korean, and although there are millions of second-level domain registrations in Korean language characters, up until now, there have not been internationalized TLDs available for catering to this expansive Internet market. .닷넷 creates an online hub for Korean speakers. As a companion to the popular .NET TLD, .닷넷 provides a recognizable domain name extension with the added benefit of being fully internationalized.

.닷넷 Price

Register HK$1050.00/yr
Renew HK$1050.00/yr
Transfer HK$1050.00/yr

.닷넷 Registry Information

  • TLD Type: New gTLDs
  • Punycode: xn--t60b56a
  • Registry: 1API

.닷넷 Domain Information

Minimum Length 2 characters
Maximum Length 63 characters
Minimum Registration Period 1 year(s)
Maximum Registration Period 10 year(s)
IDN Supported Yes
WHOIS Privacy Available Yes
DNSSEC Supported Yes
Realtime Registration Yes
Registration Restrictions None
Proof of Document Required No
Trustee Service Available No