.reisen Domain Registration
Available now! Get yours today.
Prices for .reisen domains
Period | 1 Year | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 10 Years |
Register | SG$49.00 | SG$98.00 | SG$147.00 | SG$245.00 | SG$490.00 |
Renew | SG$49.00 | SG$98.00 | SG$147.00 | SG$245.00 | SG$490.00 |
Transfer | SG$49.00 | - | - | - | - |
From the Old English word for journey, “reisen” is still used in German to refer to travel and as such remains a marketing term for the travel industry. .REISEN is meant to help all members of the tourist and travel sectors network and market by providing a recognizable and pertinent domain name space for travel agents, travel companies, rental companies, travel bloggers, and all other sectors of this expansive industry.
.reisen Registry Information
- TLD Type: New gTLDs
- Registry: New Cypress, LLC
.reisen Domain Information
TLD Type | nTLD |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 1 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 10 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
- .accountants
- .actor
- .airforce
- .apartments
- .app
- .army
- .art
- .associates
- .attorney
- .auction
- .audio
- .auto
- .baby
- .band
- .bar
- .baseball
- .basketball
- .beauty
- .bet
- .bet
- .bid
- .bingo
- .bingo
- .blog
- .boats
- .book
- .broadway
- .broker
- .build
- .business
- .buy
- .cafe
- .cam
- .camp
- .capital
- .cards
- .care
- .cars
- .casa
- .cash
- .casino
- .casino
- .catering
- .chat
- .church
- .city
- .claims
- .cleaning
- .clinic
- .cloud
- .coach
- .college
- .community
- .condos
- .consulting
- .cool
- .coupons
- .credit
- .creditcard
- .cricket
- .cruises
- .dance
- .data
- .dating
- .deals
- .degree
- .delivery
- .dental
- .dentist
- .design
- .diet
- .digital
- .direct
- .discount
- .doctor
- .dog
- .eco
- .energy
- .engineer
- .engineering
- .events
- .events
- .exchange
- .expert
- .express
- .fail
- .family
- .fan
- .farm
- .fashion
- .film
- .finance
- .financial
- .fish
- .fish
- .fishing
- .fishing
- .fitness
- .flights
- .flowers
- .fly
- .food
- .football
- .forsale
- .forum
- .free
- .fund
- .furniture
- .futbol
- .fyi
- .game
- .games
- .games
- .garden
- .gifts
- .gives
- .global
- .gmbh
- .gold
- .golf
- .gratis
- .green
- .gripe
- .group
- .guide
- .haus
- .health
- .healthcare
- .help
- .hockey
- .holiday
- .holiday
- .horse
- .hospital
- .hosting
- .hot
- .hotels
- .immo
- .immobilien
- .industries
- .insurance
- .insure
- .investments
- .jewelry
- .juegos
- .kaufen
- .law
- .lawyer
- .lease
- .legal
- .life
- .limited
- .live
- .living
- .loans
- .lotto
- .love
- .ltd
- .maison
- .map
- .market
- .marketing
- .mba
- .media
- .memorial
- .mobile
- .moda
- .mom
- .money
- .mortgage
- .moto
- .movie
- .navy
- .network
- .news
- .ninja
- .ninja
- .now
- .online
- .partners
- .parts
- .party
- .phone
- .pictures
- .pizza
- .place
- .play
- .plus
- .poker
- .poker
- .productions
- .properties
- .property
- .pub
- .pub
- .racing
- .radio
- .realestate
- .realty
- .Red
- .rehab
- .reise
- .rent
- .report
- .republican
- .restaurant
- .reviews
- .rip
- .rocks
- .rugby
- .run
- .sale
- .salon
- .sarl
- .school
- .schule
- .search
- .security
- .services
- .shop
- .shopping
- .show
- .site
- .ski
- .soccer
- .social
- .social
- .software
- .storage
- .store
- .studio
- .style
- .sucks
- .supplies
- .supply
- .surf
- .surgery
- .tax
- .taxi
- .team
- .tech
- .tennis
- .theater
- .tickets
- .tienda
- .tires
- .tools
- .tours
- .tours
- .town
- .toys
- .trading
- .tube
- .university
- .vacations
- .vegas
- .vet
- .viajes
- .video
- .vin
- .vip
- .vision
- .vote
- .voyage
- .watch
- .website
- .wedding
- .wine
- .works
- .world
- .wow
- .wtf
- .商店
- .娱乐
- .游戏
- .游戏
- .企业
- .yachts
- .yoga