.ren 域名

Renren.com, the “Facebook of China,” hosts over 31 million active users who use the site to network in a friendly and safe virtual atmosphere. The .REN extension will be used to enhance the services of the online social network by first providing VIP members, who pay to use the site’s services, a specific domain name in the .REN namespace for personal use. After offering this TLD to VIPs and using it to enhance the namespace of Renren, .REN will expand within the Renren social sphere.

.ren 註冊要求

該域名註冊資格沒有任何限制,任何國家或地區的個人、公司或組織都可以按照 “先到先得” 的原則註冊 .ren 域名。

.ren 價格

註冊 NT$680.00/年
續費 NT$680.00/年
轉入 NT$680.00/年