.hair 域名注册
.hair 域名价格
期限 | 1 年 | 2 年 | 3 年 | 5 年 | 10 年 |
注册 | SG$44.00 | SG$88.00 | SG$132.00 | SG$220.00 | SG$440.00 |
续费 | SG$44.00 | SG$88.00 | SG$132.00 | SG$220.00 | SG$440.00 |
转入 | SG$44.00 | - | - | - | - |
There are two applicants for the .HAIR domain extension – L’Oreal and Your Hair Limited. If L’Oreal is awarded registry rights, .HAIR will become a restricted brand registry, but if Your Hair Limited becomes the registry, .HAIR will be available to the many businesses involved in the hair industry, from designers to stylists. .HAIR will operate as a digital hub, connected businesses, individuals, and groups that center on hair care and maintenance, in order to create a go-to source on the Web.
.hair 注册机构信息
- TLD 类型:新通用顶级域名
- 注册机构:L'Oreal
.hair 域名信息
TLD 类型 | nTLD |
最小长度 | 2 个字符 |
最大长度 | 63 个字符 |
最小注册期限 | 1 年 |
最大注册期限 | 10 年 |
IDN 支持 | 否 |
WHOIS 隐私服务可用 | 是 |
DNSSEC 支持 | 否 |
实时注册 | 是 |
注册限制 | 无 |
需要文件证明 | 否 |
提供信托代理服务 | 否 |
- .active
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- .fans
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- .fit
- .fitness
- .gent
- .gop
- .group
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- .hiv
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- .uno
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- .whoswho
- .时尚
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- .天主教