L’Oreal will run the registry for .SKIN, and in doing so, will keep this TLD for the purposes of promoting products, information, and services related to the health, care, and treatment of skin. .SKIN may be registered by individuals, businesses, and groups affiliated with L’Oreal, or that specialize in skin-related areas of expertise, as judged by L’Oreal’s registry. Because .SKIN will operate as a restricted registry, open public registration may not be available.
.skin 注册要求
该域名注册资格没有任何限制,任何国家或地区的个人、公司或组织都可以按照 “先到先得” 的原则注册 .skin 域名。
.skin 价格
注册 | SG$30.00/年 |
续费 | SG$30.00/年 |
转入 | SG$30.00/年 |