.forum Domain Registration
Available now! Get yours today.
Prices for .forum domains
Period | 1 Year | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 10 Years |
Register | HK$10090.00 | HK$20180.00 | HK$30270.00 | HK$50450.00 | HK$100900.00 |
Renew | HK$10090.00 | HK$20180.00 | HK$30270.00 | HK$50450.00 | HK$100900.00 |
Transfer | HK$10090.00 | - | - | - | - |
Forums are one of the top ways Internet users spend their time online, and is one of the oldest forms of communication, both on the Internet, and in society. .FORUM provides an easily identifiable TLD for forums of all varieties, all over the world, making it a dynamic option for forums looking to secure interesting and unique domain names. .FORUM may be registered by any individual, group, or business, for any purpose, so it’s accessible to a wide group of users.
.forum Registry Information
- TLD Type: New gTLDs
- Registry: Fegistry, LLC
.forum Domain Information
TLD Type | nTLD |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 1 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 10 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
- .accountants
- .actor
- .ads
- .agency
- .airforce
- .apartments
- .app
- .army
- .art
- .associates
- .associates
- .attorney
- .auction
- .audio
- .auto
- .baby
- .band
- .band
- .bar
- .baseball
- .baseball
- .basketball
- .basketball
- .beauty
- .bet
- .bingo
- .blog
- .blog
- .boats
- .book
- .book
- .broadway
- .broadway
- .broker
- .build
- .business
- .business
- .buy
- .cafe
- .cam
- .cam
- .camera
- .camp
- .capital
- .car
- .cards
- .cards
- .care
- .care
- .career
- .careers
- .cars
- .casa
- .cash
- .casino
- .catering
- .center
- .chat
- .christmas
- .church
- .city
- .claims
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- .clinic
- .cloud
- .coach
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- .college
- .community
- .company
- .condos
- .consulting
- .cooking
- .cool
- .coupons
- .credit
- .creditcard
- .cricket
- .cricket
- .data
- .dating
- .deals
- .degree
- .delivery
- .dental
- .dentist
- .design
- .diet
- .digital
- .direct
- .discount
- .diy
- .doctor
- .dog
- .dog
- .eat
- .eco
- .eco
- .energy
- .engineer
- .engineering
- .enterprises
- .events
- .exchange
- .expert
- .express
- .fail
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- .film
- .finance
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- .fish
- .fishing
- .fitness
- .flowers
- .food
- .food
- .football
- .football
- .forsale
- .foundation
- .free
- .fund
- .furniture
- .futbol
- .futbol
- .fyi
- .games
- .garden
- .garden
- .gift
- .gifts
- .gives
- .gives
- .gives
- .global
- .gmbh
- .gmbh
- .gold
- .golf
- .golf
- .gratis
- .green
- .green
- .gripe
- .group
- .group
- .guide
- .guitars
- .haus
- .health
- .healthcare
- .help
- .hockey
- .hockey
- .holiday
- .hospital
- .hosting
- .hot
- .immo
- .immobilien
- .industries
- .industries
- .ink
- .insurance
- .insure
- .investments
- .jewelry
- .juegos
- .juegos
- .kaufen
- .law
- .lawyer
- .lease
- .legal
- .life
- .limited
- .limited
- .link
- .live
- .living
- .loans
- .love
- .ltd
- .ltd
- .maison
- .management
- .map
- .market
- .marketing
- .marketing
- .mba
- .media
- .meet
- .memorial
- .mobile
- .moda
- .moda
- .mom
- .money
- .mortgage
- .moto
- .moto
- .movie
- .movie
- .navy
- .network
- .news
- .ngo
- .ninja
- .now
- .ong
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- .partners
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- .phone
- .photo
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- .pizza
- .place
- .plus
- .poker
- .press
- .productions
- .properties
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- .pub
- .racing
- .racing
- .radio
- .realestate
- .realty
- .Red
- .rehab
- .reisen
- .rent
- .report
- .report
- .republican
- .restaurant
- .review
- .reviews
- .reviews
- .rip
- .rocks
- .rodeo
- .rugby
- .rugby
- .run
- .run
- .sale
- .salon
- .sarl
- .sarl
- .school
- .schule
- .science
- .search
- .security
- .services
- .sexy
- .shop
- .shopping
- .show
- .site
- .ski
- .ski
- .soccer
- .soccer
- .social
- .software
- .solar
- .solutions
- .soy
- .space
- .srl
- .storage
- .store
- .studio
- .studio
- .style
- .sucks
- .supplies
- .supply
- .surgery
- .tattoo
- .tax
- .taxi
- .team
- .team
- .tech
- .tennis
- .tennis
- .theater
- .theater
- .tickets
- .tienda
- .tires
- .tools
- .tours
- .town
- .toys
- .trade
- .trading
- .trading
- .tube
- .university
- .vet
- .viajes
- .video
- .vin
- .vip
- .vision
- .vote
- .watch
- .website
- .wedding
- .wiki
- .wine
- .works
- .world
- .wow
- .wtf
- .xin
- .八卦
- .公司
- .商店
- .娱乐
- .游戏
- .企业
- .企业
- .yoga
- .yoga