.餐厅 域名

.餐厅 is a TLD specifically tailored for the restaurant business. Use it to promote a new opening, release special event menus, advertise promotions, or to increase an online presence. .餐厅 is also suited for restaurant reviewers, or wine, liquor, and food distributors looking to increase sales. By offering an industry-specific domain extension, this TLD helps restaurateurs build an online niche market and better reach new customers while innovating social media marketing strategies.

.餐厅 註冊要求

該域名註冊資格沒有任何限制,任何國家或地區的個人、公司或組織都可以按照 “先到先得” 的原則註冊 .餐厅 域名。

.餐厅 價格

註冊 HK$3810.00/年
續費 HK$3810.00/年
轉入 HK$3810.00/年